Frazer the Dingo

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  • Regular price $28.00

Frazer is a medium sized exquisitely soft and realistic soft plush toy dingo in a standing position.

Frazer is a handmade plush toy and measures 23cm/9" in height to the top of his ears, 14cm/5.5" in width and 39cm/15.5" in length including the tail.

Dingos are a type of wild dog that is native to Australia. Dingoes eat both animal and plant-based diet, however meat is main source of energy and hunt mainly at night travelling up to 60km per night searching for food.

  • This native Australian creature makes an excellent souvenir gift for the international traveller
  • Soft and cute making it the perfect child friendly toy
  • Comes in many shapes and colours to make a collection
  • Fantastic for promotional gifts
  • Made using highest quality acrylic fur
  • Machine washable
  • Suitable for ages 3+
  • Shipping weight - 0.260 kg

Part of the Bocchetta Plush Toys "Dingos" and "Australian Animal" Soft Toy Collections